The cultural development pole has among its prerogatives mediation missions to make the richness of Cameroonian heritage better known and disseminated. The mediation is adapted to the public and to the places in which it is provided. In museums, the Route des Chefferies trains managers and mediators to make the content of museums interesting and relevant. It proposes several visit itineraries, in terms of time and content.
La Route des Chefferies (RDC) attaches great importance to making its heritage better known to the population and especially to young people. It organizes educational activities in partnership with schools, by organizing school fairs, visits to classes to make young people aware of a given theme, or by organizing class visits to museums in its network. For the exhibition « Sur la Route de Chefferies du Cameroun. Du visible à l’invisible », La RDC organized with the Classic high school of Bafoussam and the Fustel high school of Coulanges in Yaoundé virtual tours of this exhibition. There are also tripartite activities with local and foreign institutions.