La Route Des Chefferies
La Route des Chefferies is a cultural organization specializing in heritage engineering in Cameroon and around the world. Created in 2012 following the success of the eponymous program, it is today at the origin of a network of more than of 26 museums, distributed in several regions of Cameroon. Involved in cultural and tourist development programs of the territory, major museum projects, training and strengthening the employability of young people in the cultural field, or international exhibitions, it acts daily in the service of heritage and culture.
In Cameroon, as everywhere in Africa, the clash of civilizations has caused phenomena of identity reconfiguration and hybridization. These long processes have taken place to the detriment of the secular values of the indigenous communities and their respective heritage assets. The diagnosis carried out in the 1990s by the architect Sylvain Djache Nzefa, founder of the “Route des Chefferies” program, is a pioneering work with regard to the situation of the heritage of Western Cameroon. Grouped within the association Pays de la Loire-Cameroun (APLC), the Cameroonian diaspora in Nantes has built this program with the traditional leaders of Cameroon, aware of the importance of safeguarding and promoting their heritage. A founding charter is at the origin of the Route des Chiefdoms, signed in 2006 by around fifty traditional chiefs, which is currently being revised for an opening on a national scale.

The program, which has become an association, contributes to promoting the protection and conservation of tangible and intangible heritage, to encouraging among Cameroonians a process of revalorization and appropriation of identity values, to also contribute to local economic development and the promotion of the industrial sector. cultural and creative in Cameroon. Through its initiatives, the Route des Chiefdoms covers a wide range of areas of intervention, initiatives based on values of respect for otherness and on the enhancement and protection of cultural, historical and natural heritage and work carried out in close collaboration with communities.
la Route des Chefferies is also involved internationally in several projects and with several organizations that defend the values of intercultural dialogue or equality between women and men.