« Sur la Route des Chefferies du Cameroun. Du visible à l’invisible » at the musée du quai branly in Paris
From April to July 2022, the Route des Chefferies shone at the Musée du Quai Branly with a new exhibition on the Grassfields of Cameroon. This exhibition was the result of a strong collaboration between the musée du quai Branly, which produced the exhibition, and the DRC, which designed it. The exhibition was visited by more than 100,000 people, including prominent French, Cameroonian and international personalities.
The exhibition in brief and in figures
presented objects
including 250 coming directly from Cameroon
Lending chiefdoms
designed for the exhibition, including an immersive device
« Le tissage : un patrimoine et une identité à préserver », evolving and itinerant exhibition
In May 2022 in Dakar, during the SIAAD, the first version of a large travelling exhibition was presented, which takes as its theme the art of weaving in Africa. Born from a collaboration between several organizations – the Route des Chefferies, the APLC, the Réseau international francophone des ainés and the collectif pour la promotion du patrimoine immatériel en francophonie – this exhibition aims to raise awareness on the importance of safeguarding and promoting African traditional weaving and to understand it as part of the intangible heritage of the populations. It addresses these themes, proposes a cartography of woven products in Africa and panels that present the diversity and richness of these products in detail. This so-called “evolving” exhibition will become denser as it travels, and will be enriched by each country that hosts it.
The exhibition in a nutshell
« Mémoires Libérées : émancipations stories »
« Mémoire Libérées » is a program run by the international organization Les Anneaux de la Mémoire, which includes cultural productions to raise awareness of the history and memory of slavery and the slave trade. Resulting from a collaboration between three continents – Europe, Africa, Americas – the exhibition of this program was created in collaboration with the Route des Chefferies. It has already been presented in Nantes, in Haiti and then at the National Museum of Yaoundé in Cameroon (reference to the page of the association Les Anneaux de la mémoire which talks about the program in general: https://www.anneauxdelamemoire.org/memoires-liberees).This exhibition addresses the history of the slave trade and slavery while keeping the strong link between the three continents. In Cameroon, it was supplemented by a section dedicated to the history of this country in the trafficking and slavery networks. Events have also been organized around the exhibition (symposium, cultural events) and many schoolchildren have been able to visit it.
The exhibition in a nutshell
Various exhibitions presented in the Nantes and Paris regions
- « Retour. A la rencontre de l’Afrique contemporaine » (2021) an exhibition designed by the Anneaux de la Mémoire and the Maison de l’Afrique, in which the coordinator of the Route des Chefferies, Sylvain Djache, officiated as associate curator
- Floralies 2019 : in collaboration with the SEVE of the city of Nantes, a Cameroonian “garden” was designed for the city of Dschang (Parc des expositions de la Beaujoire)
- « Les Civilisations du Cameroun » in 2016 at Cosmopolis (Nantes)
- « Art, perles et Cauris » in 2013, at the Paul Amarica Gallery (Paris)
- Floralies 2009: realization of a Cameroonian garden with the city of Dschang, and obtaining a prize (parc des expositions de la Beaujoire)
- Jardin des Civilisations (île de Versailles, Nantes), Art de cour, trésors de chefferies (chapelle de l’Oratoire, Nantes)